
As a business owner you may have realized accounting is a critical business function that involves much more problem solving. For instance, leveraging assets, managing budgets, achieving financial efficiencies, and maximizing investments are just some operations of accounting and finance management.

Every business needs an Accountant. An accountant that you can trust, is reliable and can also be an advisor.

  • Not sure if you're ready for an accountant?

  • Afraid will cost too much money?

  • Do you spend the majority of your evenings and weekends trying to get caught up with your books?

  • What is your time worth to you?

When you don’t know how your business finances are, you’re probably NOT making any profit. Let me help you get your finances in order!

I have the knowledge and experience. I worked for major corporations and small businesses in the small, large, private, public and non-profit sectors. I hold a Bachelor degree, a double major in Accounting and Business Administration. The majority of my tasks include tracking and interpreting financial records.

I am committed in providing you with honest, reliable, and accurate service. My ultimate goal is to give you a peace of mind when it comes to your business finances.

As business owner you shouldn’t have to guess or try to figure out how the business is standing financially. Leave the hard work to an Accountant while you focus on the your business growth. My work process is very simple and easy to understand. With today’s technology the work process is much more efficient and easy to manage. I’m available by email, text, or phone. My goal is to build a long term relationship. One of my gratitudes is the success of a small business grows into something big when their is the proper strategy in place.